Cross roads horizon

The decision to change ecommerce agency is certainly not one to be taken lightly, and will have no doubt have commanded considerable thought and analysis on your part prior to the decision being made. Due to the business critical nature of your ecommerce website, you need to ensure that whoever you choose for the re-design and build is the right ecommerce agency for your business.

After all, no two businesses are the same, and neither are ecommerce solutions! To follow are just a few of the key areas you should investigate when exploring potential providers:

Proven Track Record:

As with any decision, it’s important to do your research. When picking an ecommerce solution make sure that you discover the provider’s past. Always dig a little deeper; that’s where the cracks lie, and also where you discover the gems! Look out for a successful track record in implementing ecommerce technology.  When you’re looking for a solution, make sure you check the numbers, previous client sites, and references.  A reputable provider will understand the importance of the decision you need to make and should be happy to answer any questions.

Understanding of Your Business:

A good ecommerce provider will need, and want, to understand your business; how it works, your products, processes, any nuances and your target audience. It is only after their research of your business that they will be able to offer you a solution that will help your business grow. Whilst you may be very similar to many online retailers – no two are identical, and it’s providers who understand this that will bring the most value to your business.

Real Life Application of Technology:

When you look at ecommerce solutions, ensure that you explore the technology, and ask ‘does it fit with my business?’ Discover both the demo site, as well as its application in real life retail scenarios. Does the technology do what you need it to do? If not, does the provider tailor or bespoke develop for individual customer requirements? At this stage, the time you spend is time well invested, particularly when it means you don’t get any nasty and potentially expensive surprises further down the line.

Customer Service:

This is a very important factor to consider when you are investing time and money into a solution that is tailored to fuel the growth of your business. Technology is important; but great communication, dedication to customer service, and account management count for a lot too!  If you’re not receiving an “out of the box” solution, make sure that the providers can support and help you. Customer Service becomes an important factor that you don’t receive from an ‘out of the box’ solution. In short, a company that is committed to great customer service will see you as more than just a number on the balance sheet; they will actually care about your business. And believe it or not, there are ecommerce agencies out there that genuinely care about growing your business, and enjoy doing so!


It’s very difficult comparing two different solutions against each other based on cost.  You have a lot to consider, such as the cost of the design, build, and set up of the site. However there are on-going costs to any solution too. To gain a better understanding of the long term costs of setting up an ecommerce solution, its best to look into 1, 3 and 5 year plans. This will allow you to work out the overall cost of your ecommerce solution. In addition to the costs the providers give you, it’s also worth exploring what’s included – are you really comparing like for like? What is included? Do you pay extra for support? Is there a limit on the number of support requests you can place? Are there hidden costs? It is essential to understand all of the costs involved in the implementation, running and support of your new ecommerce solution before you can make an informed comparison between proposed solutions.


Remember your website is business critical. It is absolutely essential to ensure you receive support to ensure your site is up to date, and running successfully! If it goes down, will someone be there to help you? If you can’t receive payments, how does it get fixed and how long will it take? Good support will get you a long way in ecommerce, and you need reassurance that you will be well-supported in both the short and long-term.

Life expectancy:

You are investing significant time in selecting the right solution from the right provider, yet will it still be the right solution next year? You need to explore the life expectancy of your solution – is the technology likely to date quickly? What if you want a redesign – will you need a complete rebuild? Will the solution scale with your business? Is there formal support available for your core ecommerce technology or is it provided informally by a community? Are you able to add functionality at a later date or easily upgrade to the latest version without a site rebuild? Does your chosen provider have a development roadmap that you will benefit from? All of these factors will significantly impact the lifetime cost of ownership, but are very often overlooked during the busy and confusing selection process.

So there you have it, just a few tips on important factors to consider when comparing different ecommerce solutions and sourcing a new ecommerce provider. It can be a confusing and time consuming exercise, but one that is worth investing in. Remember: do your research; ask lots of questions; make sure you compare like for like; and don’t take the easy option because it’s the easy option; choose the BEST option.

Jocelyn Kirby

Jocelyn Kirby


Jocelyn Kirby is Head of Marketing at Metakinetic.