Technology is a double-edged sword. Every innovation that’s churned out comes with its advantages and disadvantages. We make use of various machines and equipment on a daily basis. Whether it is our smartphone, laptop, e-reader or the good old photo copier, we’ve subconsciously become extremely dependent on technology for our everyday chores – at home as well as at the office.
When it comes to the office, it is important that we use technology in ways that benefit not just the business, but also the people who make the business what it is. It is a known fact that digital marketers, like most professionals, are always on the go. While the advent of smartphones, tablets and laptops have made life simpler and more convenient for everyone, it has also blurred the lines between the personal and the professional. This can make it a struggle to distinguish between the two.
There is no doubt that the incorporation of technology in our day-to-day lives has raised expectations on all fronts. We use it to stay connected to our loved ones, but it also means that employers and clients expect employees to be available at all times. The latter, however, can take toll on the work-life balance of the employees, which may ultimately result in lowered productivity levels.
Here’s how employers can use technology to restore the balance in their employee’s work and personal life.
1. Let Them Work Remotely
Thanks to technology, having flexible work timings can now be a reality. Working remotely can also be made easier. A lot of organizations already follow the practice of allowing their employees to work from home. For many digital marketers, however, it may not be possible to handle all their responsibilities that way. This is where flexible timings come into play.
While it is important to be in office for client meetings and other official conferences, being flexible on certain pre-decided days of the week make the employee feel more in control of his personal and professional life. It eases the stress of juggling multiple tasks all together and takes the pressure off their minds, only making them more productive.
With the right software and computer programs, you can keep tabs on the employees’ activities when they work remotely. This way you will allow them to contribute to your business’ growth story by focusing their energy in ways which are most productive for them.
2. Use Video Conferencing
Conference calling and video calling may just prove to be your best allies in your effort to reinstate your employee’s work-life balance. Conference calls with multiple users can be held on a common virtual platform, without having to travel, which saves time and money. It also means that your staff need not be away on business meetings as much.
Being in the field of digital marketing may sometimes require you to travel to different countries for personal interactions and collaboration with clients. In such cases, video conferencing can come to the rescue. Because of its capability of enabling one-on-one and face-to-face (and hence, more meaningful) interactions, video conferencing has gained immense popularity with organizations.
Such technology brings with itself freedom – for the employee to be where he wants to be, as long as he is getting the job done. It also provides him with a sense of rejuvenation, which allows him to be more productive than when confined to the workplace.
3. Allow Them to Work in Shifts
A lot of people who prefer to work at night often complain about having to rush to work every morning and perform optimally in spite of not being ‘morning people.’ It could also be the other way round. Hence, if your business plan supports it, it may help if you allow your staff to work in shifts.
Scheduling shifts may be difficult, especially if you haven’t done it before. However, using reliable and user-friendly software to design it can be extremely helpful. All you need to do is ask your staff to mention their preferred and/or needed shifts in advance, enter the information into the system, and leave the rest to the software.
Not only can such software help you prepare flawless shift schedules, it can also go a long way in helping your employees work when they feel most industrious, which benefits them as well as you.
4. Encourage the Use of New Devices and Apps
Unless your business is facing crucial security issues, you will do well in encouraging your employees to use new devices and apps. This can be great for digital marketers as many a time, exploring new technology can open up several frontiers and help augment and enhance creativity and business prospects. They can also enable better collaboration, innovation and brainstorming even when the participants are not physically present at the office.
For example, Web applications like SharePoint facilitate simultaneous idea-sharing. Calendar and scheduling functions also help. Similarly, mobile apps can go a long way in enabling better and faster communication.
All employees should be trained to use various apps and devices, and must be held liable for the basic understanding of the tech tools when using them.
When using new technology, however, do have certain user policies and guidelines in place, which address issues related to privacy, security, confidentiality and intellectual property rights.
Having updated technology means being available too often. Plus, it also means that you’re connected to others at all times. It is important to have boundaries over its use to ensure a healthy work-life balance. In order to curtail the interference of technology from your employee’s personal life, you need to learn to manage it carefully. This works both ways as employees as well as employers are responsible for this. Setting expectations from the beginning is important. Taking official calls at midnight, even if they’re not urgent, will start to become the norm and be expected. However, the limitations set on both sides need be respected as well.