New research from Tradedoubler reveals that every 4 in 10 searches made via a smartphone leads to a sales in-store.

using smartphone outdoorsIn the past few weeks we have discussed a lot about technology’s role to play in saving or some would say reviving our high streets. We have more research to support that theory.

The latest report comes from performance marketing and technology company, Tradedoubler, who surveyed 2,000 smartphone users across Europe studying their commercial behaviour.

The key highlights of the research include; 38% who research a product on their mobile phone will then go into a store and buy it, 47% go onto completing the purchase on a PC, 25% on their mobile and 7% on their tablet device.

42% said they used their device in a shop to find a better deal elsewhere. We have previously talked about the rise of ROBO (Research Offline Buy Online) shoppers.

The report reinforces some of the messages we have been hearing recently that retailers could even end up losing sales from customers in-store, if they don’t have an effective mobile strategy in place.

Retailers need to provide a seamless integrated online and offline experience, reinforced by special deals, voucher codes, location based offers to ensure future success – and all this needs to be tracked, monitored and able deliver insights to the marketing department.

Retailers who don’t adapt will be left behind says Dan Cohen, Market Unit Leader, Tradedoubler:

“Technology is transforming the way we search for and buy products. Apps and smartphones are leading the way, driving consumer behaviour that demands an always on, multi-touch, multi-channel response from retailers.  Retailers who fail to embrace this will quickly be left behind.”

Lea Pachta

Lea Pachta
